Dodgeball.com is a city guide built around the concept of user generated content. Think citysearch.com only where reviews come for a community of users rather then an in-house editorial team. The site currently spans 10 cities with the help of thousands of users who generate in excess of 120,000 page views/month.
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Dodgeball.circles is a WAP-based service designed to help people keep tabs on their friends as they hop from place to place on a given night. Using their mobile phones, dodgeball.com users can broadcast their whereabouts to "circles" - groups of friends whose cellphones are enabled with SMS messaging capabilities.
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Think Moviefone meets dodgeball.com. Dodgeball.IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is a voice application build on
TellMe's VoiceXML platform. Simply speak the name of the bar or restaurant you are looking for (across
10 US cities) and dodgeball.IVR will tell you the address, cross street, phone number, etc. The IVR is also
set up to work with dodgeball.circles - simply tell us (literally) where you are
and let the IVR app take care of alerting your friends of your whereabouts.
Try it out:
1. Dial 1-800-555-TELL.
2. Say "extensions"
3. Enter ext. "32255" (DBALL).

Vindigo is the leading developer of personal navigation applications for delivering location-based content and services to wireless and mobile devices. You most likely know them for their flagship product, also called Vindigo, a city guide for Palm OS devices (Palm, Handspring) that lists restaurants, bars, shops and movie showtimes in 20 US cities.
While at Vindigo, I spent time working extensively with the engineering team and the product development group. Most of my efforts went into developing functionality found in their mobile phone products. Please see my resume for further detail or download Vindigo for your Palm or Pocket PC device.
[download vindigo]

JimmyDodgeball is an IM (instant messenger) bot aimed at helping users retrieve information on bars and restaurants. Based on technology built by New York based ActiveBuddy, Inc., JimmyDodgeball uses AOL's Instant Messenger as a front-end to the dodgeball.com database.
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The dodgeball.episodic was an online soap opera of sorts designed to be read on mobile devices (via AvantGo's content delivery system). The episodic was open to any dodgeball user who was willing to keep a short journal describing their lives in the city.
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My personal web site and life story. Eight years and still going strong.
[visit www.teendrama.com]