dim strFinalCode as string
dim strFinalGuess as string
dim strThisGuess as string
dim caseMatters as boolean 'case sensitivity flag
dim intLevel as integer
dim iCount as integer
dim intRandomCount as integer
dim strRandomString as string
dim strRandomChar as string
dim intRandom as integer
dim intPrevious as integer
dim strRound as byte
function AreStringsEqual(byval str1 as string, byval str2 as string,byval caseMatters as boolean) as boolean
'byVals added after Patrick Dwyer points out a side affect of passing by reference & ucase()
dim i as integer
dim s1 as string'our own copies of the strings
dim s2 as string
s1 = str1 'make our own copies to edit.
s2 = str2
'if they aren't even the same length then give up early.
if len(s1)<>len(s2) then
AreStringsEqual = false 'set return value to false
exit function 'get out of here
end if
'being not case sensitive is a bit more work.
if caseMatters=false then
end if
' here is the ascii comparison loop.
dim c1 as string
dim c2 as string
for i = 1 to len(s1) 'proceed to loop through all the chars.
c1 = mid(s1,i,1) 'c1 catches the current character in one string
c2 = mid(s2,i,1) 'c2 catches the current character in the other
if asc(c1)<>asc(c2) then 'ah HA, i found one!
AreStringsEqual = false 'so set return value to false
exit function 'and then leave
end if
AreStringsEqual=true 'finally, give in.
end function
Sub Main()
call delay(0.5)
caseMatters = FALSE 'make this TRUE if 'A' is not 'a'
if strRound = 1 then
debug.print "start level " ; cstr(intLevel)
intLevel = 1 'this is the starting level of difficulty (or, the number of flashes)
debug.print "start level " ; cstr(intLevel)
end if
intRandomCount = 0
strRandomString = ""
strRandomChar = ""
'generate random number, that is has X (or, intLevel) digits
intPrevious = getADC(5)
iCount = 0
do while iCount < intLevel
iCount = iCount + 1
intRandomCount = intRandomCount + 1
intRandom = getADC(5)
if intPrevious = 0 then
intPrevious = getADC(5)
end if
intRandom = intRandom - intPrevious
intPrevious = getADC(5)
if intRandom = 0 then
intRandom = intRandom + iCount
end if
if intRandom > 4 then
intRandom = 1
end if
do while intRandom < 0
intRandom = intRandom * (-2)
if intRandom = 0 then
intRandom = intRandom + iCount
end if
if intRandom > 4 then
'debug.print "meep"
intRandom = 2
'debug.print cstr(intRandom)
end if
'debug.print cstr(intRandom)
strRandomString = strRandomString & cstr(intRandom)
debug.print "//" ; cstr(intRandom)
strFinalCode = strRandomString
debug.print "random code: " ; strFinalCode
strFinalGuess = ""
strThisGuess = ""
'flash light 3x to tell user that game has started/reset
if strRound <> 1 then
iCount = 0
do while iCount < 3
iCount = iCount + 1
call putPin(8, 1)
call putPin(8, 0)
end if
dim str1 as string
dim str2 as string
dim str3 as string
dim str4 as string
str1 = "1"
str2 = "2"
str3 = "3"
str4 = "4"
dim char as string
dim localCount as integer
debug.print "length of code: " ; cstr(len(strFinalCode))
for localCount = 1 to len(strFinalCode) 'proceed to loop through all the digits in the code
char = mid(strFinalCode,localCount,1) 'c1 catches the current character in one string // string, which char, num of chars
'debug.print char
if AreStringsEqual (char , str1 , caseMatters ) = true then
'debug.print "here."
call putPin(12, 1)
'call delay(0.5)
call putPin(12, 0)
elseif AreStringsEqual (char , str2 , caseMatters ) = true then
'debug.print "here."
call putPin(11, 1)
'call delay(0.5)
call putPin(11, 0)
elseif AreStringsEqual (char , str3 , caseMatters ) = true then
'debug.print "here."
call putPin(10, 1)
'call delay(0.5)
call putPin(10, 0)
elseif AreStringsEqual (char , str4 , caseMatters ) = true then
'debug.print "here."
call putPin(9, 1)
'call delay(0.5)
call putPin(9, 0)
end if
debug.print "code = " ; strFinalCode
debug.print "level = " ; cstr(intLevel)
if Len(strFinalGuess) < intLevel then
do while Len(strFinalGuess) < intLevel
if getPin(13) = 0 then
'flash light so user knows they pressed button
call putPin(8, 1)
call putPin(8, 0)
strThisGuess = "1"
strFinalGuess = strFinalGuess & strThisGuess
debug.print strFinalGuess
'call delay(1.5)
end if
if getPin(14) = 0 then
'flash light so user knows they pressed button
call putPin(8, 1)
call putPin(8, 0)
strThisGuess = "2"
strFinalGuess = strFinalGuess & strThisGuess
debug.print strFinalGuess
'call delay(1.5)
end if
if getPin(15) = 0 then
'flash light so user knows they pressed button
call putPin(8, 1)
call putPin(8, 0)
strThisGuess = "3"
strFinalGuess = strFinalGuess & strThisGuess
debug.print strFinalGuess
'call delay(1.5)
end if
if getPin(16) = 0 then
'flash light so user knows they pressed button
call putPin(8, 1)
call putPin(8, 0)
strThisGuess = "4"
strFinalGuess = strFinalGuess & strThisGuess
debug.print strFinalGuess
'call delay(1.5)
end if
call SubmitGuess()
elseif Len(strFinalGuess) < intLevel then
debug.print "crashing HERE!"
'call Main()
debug.print "error: the guess string is too long"
end if
End Sub
Sub SubmitGuess()
debug.print "final code: " ; strFinalCode
debug.print "final guess: " ; strFinalGuess
'dim intNumWins as integer
if AreStringsEqual (strFinalCode , strFinalGuess , caseMatters ) = true then
debug.print "you win!"
strRound = 1
intLevel = intLevel + 1
debug.print "(now onto level = " ; cstr(intLevel) ; "!)"
do until iCount = 3
iCount = iCount + 1
call putPin(19, 1)
call delay(0.5)
call putPin(19, 0)
elseif AreStringsEqual (strFinalCode , strFinalGuess , caseMatters ) = false then
debug.print "you lose"
debug.print "(back to level 1"
debug.print "end of game"
intLevel = 1
do until iCount = 3
iCount = iCount + 1
call putPin(20, 1)
call delay(0.5)
call putPin(20, 0)
debug.print "broken strings"
end if
call Reset()
End Sub
Sub Reset ()
debug.print "RESET"
debug.print "*************"
debug.print "final code=" ; strFinalCode
debug.print "final guess=" ; strFinalGuess
debug.print "level=" ; cstr(intLevel)
debug.print "*************"
call Main()
End Sub