dim str1 as string
dim str2 as string
dim str3 as string
dim str4 as string

dim i as integer
dim state as integer

Sub Main()
	call delay(0.5)	
	call LCDInit()	' initialize LCD
	state = 0

		if getPin(20) = 1 then 		'1 = not touching
			str1 = "I choo-choo     "
			str2 = "choose you!     "
			str3 = "                "
			str4 = "                "
			i = 20
			call Magic()
		elseif getPin(19) = 1 then 
			str1 = "Theese purple   "
			str2 = "berries taste   "
			str3 = "like burning!   "
			str4 = "                "
			i = 19
			call Magic()
		elseif getPin(18) = 1 then 
			str1 = "Your midterm    "
			str2 = "project will    "
			str3 = "never work.     "
			str4 = "                "
			i = 18
			call Magic()	
		elseif getPin(17) = 1 then 
			str1 = "Your cat's      "			
			str2 = "breath smells   " 
			str3 = "like cat food.  "
			str4 = "                "
			i = 17
			call Magic()	
		elseif getPin(16) = 1 then 
			str1 = "When you grow   "
			str2 = "up you'll be a  " 
			str3 = "catepillar.     "
			str4 = "                "
			i = 16
			call Magic()
		elseif getPin(15) = 1 then 
			str1 = "You may have    "
			str2 = "a moon rock up  " 
			str3 = "your nose.      "
			str4 = "                "
			i = 15
			call Magic()
		elseif getPin(14) = 1 then 
			str1 = "You will makeout"
			str2 = "w/someone in yer" 
			str3 = "PhysComp class. "
			str4 = "                "
			i = 14
			call Magic()
		elseif getPin(13) = 1 then 
			str1 = "13.  Me fail    "
			str2 = "English?  That's" 
			str3 = "unpossible!     "
			str4 = "                "
			i = 13
			call Magic()
			str1 = "Welcome to the  "
			str2 = "Magical LCD     "
			str3 = "Fortune Cookie  " 
      str4 = "                "
			i = 0
			call Magic()
		end if

		'do while state = i 
		'if state <> i then
				'end if

End Sub
Magic() call LCDLine(1) call LCDPutStr(str1) call LCDLine(2) call LCDPutStr(str2) call LCDLine(3) call LCDPutStr(str3) 'call LCDLine(4) 'call LCDPutStr(str4) debug.print "******************" debug.print "20: " ; cstr(getPin(20)) debug.print "19: " ; cstr(getPin(19)) debug.print "18: " ; cstr(getPin(18)) debug.print "17: " ; cstr(getPin(17)) debug.print "16: " ; cstr(getPin(16)) debug.print "15: " ; cstr(getPin(15)) debug.print "14: " ; cstr(getPin(14)) debug.print "13: " ; cstr(getPin(13)) debug.print cstr(state) state = i End Sub